You’ve finally started earning a decent amount of money now. You’ve crossed out most of the urgent items on your wishlist. Congratulations! And now you have some spare money left at the end of the month. You think it’s time to start planning for the future… You want to invest this money. Somewhere ‘safe’. But […]
Why is Owning a Home a Big Deal for so many?
: Owning a house is a Huge deal for so many of us, that it becomes the only thing left in our lives. Is this thought process really healthy or is it wrong? Let us find out. Home or your humble Abode or your dream home or whatever you call it; buying a Home is […]
9 steps to Hunt for Property the smart way
Finding a property in India can be tricky and tedious at times, but not if you do it the right way. Here are ways to hunt for a rental or buy property in India the smart way. Property in India is always a hot topic among the home seekers. The sky-rocketing prices in the metros, […]