A Financial First Aid box is very, very important in case of emergencies or when you are not accessible to your family. Have you put that in place – A financial emergency kit? Trust me… It is VERY Important! We are all so busy in our lives that pausing and thinking is not an option. […]
Resale Vs Under construction property: What should you buy?
Should you be buying an Under construction property or look out for a ready to move-in flat or a resale flat, in today’s day and age. What matters and what should influence your decision, read on. Under construction Vs Ready to Move-in or resale property; well, this is not the first time someone is writing […]
9 steps to Hunt for Property the smart way
Finding a property in India can be tricky and tedious at times, but not if you do it the right way. Here are ways to hunt for a rental or buy property in India the smart way. Property in India is always a hot topic among the home seekers. The sky-rocketing prices in the metros, […]